What is Structured Data and Why to Implement It?

Structured data

Structured data is a type of data that is organized and formatted in a specific way, making it easily accessible and understandable to machines. It is a standardized format of presenting information on the internet, making it easier for search engines to understand and categorize web pages. It can be implemented through Schema Markup, a code that webmasters can add to their website to improve their website’s search engine rankings.

It can take many forms, including spreadsheets, databases, and even standardized formats like XML or JSON. By using structured data, businesses and organizations can make it easier to find, manage, and analyze their data, which can lead to better decision-making and increased efficiency.

Structured vs. Unstructured Data

Structured data is different from unstructured data, which is data that does not have a specific format. Unstructured data can be anything from text, images, videos, or audio, and it does not have a predetermined organization or structure, or even social media posts and emails – the information is scattered and needs to be organized, Structured data, on the other hand, is well-organized, making it easy for machines to read and understand.

Schema Markup Testing Tool

Schema Markup is a code that webmasters can add to their website’s HTML to help search engines understand and categorize the content on their web pages. The Schema Markup Testing Tool is a tool that webmasters can use to test whether their Schema Markup code is correctly implemented. This tool is free and is provided by Google. By using the tool, webmasters can ensure that their website is displaying the correct information and that it is being properly categorized by search engines.

Examples of Structured Data

There are many types of this that webmasters can use to help search engines understand the content on their web pages. Some examples include:

Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs are a type that show the hierarchy of a website’s pages. They allow users to easily navigate a website and understand the context of the page they are currently viewing.

Reviews: Reviews are a type that display information about products or services. They include information such as the rating, the number of reviews, and the name of the reviewer.

Recipes: Recipes are a type that provide information about cooking recipes. They include information such as the ingredients, cooking time, and serving size.

Events: Events are a type that provide information about upcoming events. They include information such as the date, time, location, and description of the event.

FAQ’s: The FAQ section of a web page is a type of structured data that provides information about frequently asked questions and their answers. It is particularly useful for informative websites on which customers go to for specific details or guidance about a particular subject.

Articles: An article is a type that provides information about an online article, such as its title, author, date published, and image.

Structured Data Types

There are several types of structured data that webmasters can use to help search engines understand the content on their web pages. Some of the most common types include:

JSON-LD: JSON-LDstands for JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data. It is a lightweight structured data format that is easy to read and is supported by Google.

Microdata: Microdata is a type of structured data that uses HTML tags to add information about a web page’s content. It is easy to use and is supported by all major search engines.

RDFa: RDFa stands for Resource Description Framework in Attributes. It is a flexible structured data format that allows webmasters to add metadata to their web pages.


Structured data is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). By using it, webmasters can make it easier for search engines to understand the content on their web pages. This can help improve their website’s search engine rankings and increase their website’s visibility on the internet. The Schema Markup Testing Tool is a helpful resource that webmasters can use to ensure that their structured data is correctly implemented. By using it, webmasters can improve their website’s user experience and increase their website’s traffic.

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Editor’s Note:

FinancialMarkets.media, is a new independent media agency specialized in financial markets and part of the FXStreet financial group, as its exclusive media agency. More than 20 years of being part of FXStreet makes the team experts in online advertising and marketing optimization campaigns for diversal businesses in this industry.

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