We are a media agency specialized in financial markets and managed by the existing FXStreet’s Marketing and Traders team, experts in online advertising and in marketing optimization campaigns for diversal types of business in this industry.

FinancialMarkets.media is part of the FXStreet financial group and works as its exclusive media agency to manage all advertising campaigns on this site and the sale of its financial data white label products.

As a marketing campaign optimization agency, we not only specialize in Online advertising services, but also we offer various services and tools that will enhance the visibility of your brand and increase reputation and engagement. These are our Financial Data white label products, and our new customized services of Strategic Marketing Planning and Creative design and Web optimization.

In FinancialMarkets.media we work with several publisher partners that are part of our media network, with different advertising models.

(*) Check out all our partner advertising models and information on the Advertising Services section.

We will be glad to expand our media network. You can write to us to contact@financialmarkets.media and we can schedule a call to discuss it further.

You just have to go to our Contact section, complete the form with all your company’s information and your request and we will come back to you shortly. 

Also you can write to us directly to contact@financialmarkets.media.

(*) In our website you wouldn’t see any prices, as we send the Media Kits only once the client contacts us

Please contact directly with your Account Manager or write to us directly to contact@financialmarkets.media.

In our section of Terms and Conditions you can get all this information detailed.