5 Tips to Improve SEO for Financial Websites

SEO tips for Financial websites

Tips to boost a SEO strategy for financial websites

For any type of website, one of the most important tasks is to try to be positioned at the top of the search engines. Especially for the financial sector where the competition has become increasingly fierce. But how can we get our website to rank as high as possible?
With Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is a strategy that allows us to appear at the top positions of search engines, which is synonymous with having the possibility of acquiring more traffic, leads and authority. SEO for financial websites has become a necessary practice for any brand in the sector. We have to bear in mind that the financial sector must project confidence and security. Since this can lead users to end up choosing some brands over others.

There are more than 200 factors that have influence in a SEO strategy

Controlling all of them is not an easy task, especially since algorithms and search engine updates are constantly changing. It is also true that there are some factors much more important than others to have better positioning and optimization.
The main idea of ​​paying attention to these factors and trying to optimize them is to help search engine crawlers to better understand our website. So we can take care of the crawl budget.

In this post we explain 5 financial SEO tips that allow your financial page to rank better and thus improve organic traffic and visibility.

  1. Think about mobile friendly pages first.
  2. A website should be fast and secure.
  3. Creation of unique content after keyword research. (Blogs, landing pages, etc)
  4. Audit and optimize content (Titles, Images, Meta descriptions, etc)
  5. Strong link building strategy.

Talking about the factors that influence an SEO strategy. Google or other search engines give more importance to some of them. It could be said that there is a hierarchy when it comes to differentiating them. The most important ones are always related to websites security, usability, authenticity and technical optimization.

The financial SEO tips discussed in this post aim to encompass most of these factors. Below we explain each one in detail for better understanding.

1- Thinking about mobile friendly first is key for SEO

Having a responsive website is one of the most important factors for Google and other search engines to index our page. Since the beggining of 2021. The fact that a page is optimized for mobile devices has become much more important when it comes to rank a website better.

Mobile usability is essential for the pages of financial institutions since the majority of users come through mobile devices (Around 60% and counting). For this reason, it is essential to pay attention that a website is responsive. Otherwise Google may not deem our page interesting.

2- Financial websites should be fast and secure

There is no debate that when we talk about a website, especially in the financial sector, it must be secure to provide confidence to the client. This is one of the most important financial SEO tips. After studies conclude that more than 80% of consumers value a good user experience when choosing a financial company. We believe that this is reason enough to pay attention to this factor.

There are different tools that make it easier for us to optimize the core web vitals. With the aim that search engines consider that our website is optimized for a correct UX. One of these tools is Google page speed. Which shows an extensive report on the factors that influence the speed and usability of the site.

Regarding security, when doing an audit or technical SEO analysis. One of the factors to take into account is whether our site has HTTP or HTTPS. The difference between one and the other lies in security. Since a page with HTTPS prevents other users from intercepting the confidential information that is transferred between the client and the web server over the Internet. This can be done with a SSL certificate.

For this reason, it is essential that all the pages of a financial website have HTTPS urls.

3- Audit and optimize content

When creating a web page or optimizing it, it is necessary to have an audit checklist to clean up and optimize various important factors for financial SEO. In this list we find several changes that must be made to optimize the technical SEO and SEO on-page of a financial website. Among them we can find the following:

  • The weight of the images as well as the alt text they should carry.
  • Meta description and meta titles.
  • Interlinking.
  • Canonical URLs.
  • Header structure.
  • WPO optimization.

With the improvement of these parameters, we will make our website have a better optimization. And also the Snippet on the search results will be better both in terms of appearance and positioning. Here it is very important to find a professional who controls all aspects of how to audit a financial website.

4- Creation of unique content after keyword research.

If you want a website to appear at the top of the search engines, this tip is undoubtedly one of the most essential. Having unique and relevant content in which the user finds interesting information and thus can interact with our website is crucial for a SEO strategy for financial websites.

To do this, the first thing we must do is keyword research in which we can identify interesting terms related to the services offered by the company. After that we have to pay attention to the search intention. So that we can write content according to what interests the “buyer persona” we are trying to reach.

This content can be reflected in the creation of a blog in which different terms are tackled with a more informational sense. Or maybe when creating landing pages where the search intent makes more of a transactional or business sense.

5- Strong link building strategy for SEO off-page

To improve the popularity and authority of a financial advisor or financial services page It is interesting to pay attention to a good link building strategy. Links remain an important part of financial advisor SEO strategy. Because it is one of the important factors that influence domain authority and gives us the possibility of ranking better than our competitors..

This strategy must be carried out carefully so that there are no toxic domains pointing to our website. As this can be detrimental to the domain. For this reason we must monitor the links that lead to our website and see if they are interesting or not. We can do this thanks to toxic scores and domain authority.

These are some of the most important financial SEO tips when it comes to improving the positioning and visibility of a financial website. If you need help when carrying out a SEO strategy, audit or other related service, at FinancialMarkets.media we will be happy to help and advise you in this process.

You just have to contact us at contact@financialmarkets.media

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Editor’s Note:

FinancialMarkets.media, is a new independent media agency specialized in financial markets and part of the FXStreet financial group, as its exclusive media agency. More than 20 years of being part of FXStreet makes the team experts in online advertising and marketing optimization campaigns for diversal businesses in this industry.

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