What is a Tracking Link and How to Use It


In today’s digital landscape, effective marketing campaigns rely heavily on data and analytics. One crucial aspect of measuring the success of your marketing efforts is tracking link. Tracking links play a pivotal role in understanding user behavior, optimizing campaigns, and improving overall marketing performance. In this article, we’ll explore what they are, how to track clicks, and how to create your own using a tracking link generator.

What is a Tracking Link?

Is a URL that contains additional parameters, known as UTM parameters, which provide valuable information about the source, medium, and campaign associated with a particular link. UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module, and it was initially developed by Urchin Software Corporation, later acquired by Google. These parameters allow you to track and analyze the effectiveness of different marketing channels, campaigns, and individual links.

How to Track Link Clicks

Clicks are essential for evaluating the performance of your marketing campaigns. By tracking link clicks, you can determine which channels and campaigns are driving the most traffic, conversions, and engagement. Here are the steps to track link clicks effectively:

  1. Set up Google Analytics: Before you can track link clicks, ensure that you have Google Analytics set up for your website. This powerful analytics tool will provide you with detailed insights into your website’s performance, including link tracking.
  1. Generate UTM Parameters: To track link clicks, you need to add UTM parameters to your URLs. The three essential parameters are:
  • Source: Identifies the referring source of the traffic, such as a website, newsletter, or social media platform.
  • Medium: Specifies the medium through which the link was shared, such as email, social media, or CPC (cost-per-click) ads.
  • Campaign: Identifies the specific marketing campaign or promotion associated with the link.
  1. Append UTM Parameters to Your URLs: Once you have your UTM parameters ready, append them to your destination URLs. For example, if you’re sharing a link to your latest blog post on Twitter, your tracking link might look like this: https://www.example.com/blog/my-blog-post?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=summer-campaign
  1. Analyze Link Click Data: After you’ve implemented tracking links, monitor the data in your Google Analytics account. You’ll be able to see the number of clicks, traffic sources, conversions, and other valuable metrics associated with each tracking link.

How to Create a Tracking Link

Creating them manually can be a tedious task, especially when managing multiple campaigns and platforms. To simplify the process, you can use a tracking link generator. Here’s how to create them effortlessly:

  1. Choose a Tracking Link Generator: Numerous tools are available online. Some popular options include Google Analytics Campaign URL Builder, Bitly, and HubSpot Tracking URL Builder. Select a tool that suits your requirements and preferences.
  1. Enter Relevant Information: Once you’ve chosen a generator, enter the necessary details for each UTM parameter, such as source, medium, and campaign. The tool will generate a unique tracking link for you.
  1. Copy and Share the Tracking Link: After the generator creates it, simply copy it and use it in your marketing campaigns. Share it across different channels, such as social media posts, emails, or paid advertisements.

Benefits of using Link Generators:

A tracking link generator is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of creating and managing tracking links. These tools automate the generation of UTM parameters and provide you with ready-to-use tracking links. Here are a few benefits of using a tracking link generator:

  1. Time and Effort Saving: Instead of manually constructing tracking links, a generator allows you to create them quickly and effortlessly.
  1. Error Prevention: With a tracking link generator, you reduce the chances of human error when manually entering UTM parameters.
  1. Consistency and Organization: By using a tracking link generator, you can maintain consistency in your UTM parameter structure and keep your marketing campaigns organized.
  1. Streamlined Reporting: Tracking link generators often integrate with analytics platforms, enabling you to streamline your reporting and gain deeper insights into your marketing performance.

Link Generator Examples:

  1. Google Analytics Campaign URL Builder: A popular choice that allows you to generate tracking links directly within the Google Analytics platform, ensuring seamless integration with your existing analytics setup.
  1. Bitly: In addition to creating tracking links, Bitly offers features such as link shortening and custom branding, making it a versatile choice for marketers.
  1. HubSpot Tracking URL Builder: Designed for users of the HubSpot marketing platform, this link generator integrates seamlessly with the HubSpot ecosystem, simplifying the process of creating and managing them.
  1. UTM.io: A comprehensive link management platform that not only generates them but also provides advanced features like link performance analytics and team collaboration tools.
  1. Rebrandly: This link generator offers branded tracking links, allowing you to maintain a consistent brand image while tracking and analyzing link clicks.

These tracking link generators offer a range of features and integrations, so you can choose the one that best fits your specific tracking and analytics needs.


Tracking links, or UTM tracking links, are invaluable tools for marketers seeking to understand and optimize their campaigns. By incorporating UTM parameters into your URLs, you can accurately track link clicks, measure the effectiveness of various marketing channels, and make data-driven decisions. Remember to use a tracking link generator to simplify the process and ensure consistent and organized tracking link creation. Start implementing them today, and unlock valuable insights that will help you supercharge your marketing efforts.

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Editor’s Note:

FinancialMarkets.media, is a new independent media agency specialized in financial markets and part of the FXStreet financial group, as its exclusive media agency. More than 20 years of being part of FXStreet makes the team experts in online advertising and marketing optimization campaigns for diversal businesses in this industry.

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